A Brief Guide of Google VR Services: Unboxcell

Google VR Services offers virtual reality functionality for Cardboard and Daydream applications. This comprises of functions such as pairing Daydream-ready controllers and headsets with your Daydream-ready device, showing notifications even though in VR and opening and exiting VR applications.
Daydream applications will not run if you uninstall Google VR Services, same is the case with cardboard. Google is much vigorous in getting low-priced phones into people’s hands, when we talk about virtual reality, cheers to Google Cardboard, and even supplying sufficient content to view.
In 2016 Google announced the latest Virtual Reality (VR) platform for Android phones known as daydream that is developed and maintained by Google’s viewer hardware. In 2017, Google moved this into separate Virtual Reality (VR), broadcasting plans for phones without linking to a PC.
What is Daydream?
Daydream efficiently abridges entrance to VR content on a smartphone.
It comes in three main features. There is a detailed spec list that makers must satisfy to be labeled as Daydream-ready.
Google also made Daydream View VR headset, even though numerous companies can also develop their own designs.
What is Cardboard?
Google Cardboard is a VR platform developed by Google. Titled for its cardboard viewer into which a phone is placed in, this is an inexpensive system to boost awareness and improvement in Virtual Reality (VR) apps.
Users can also make their viewer from low-priced and simple components using terms published by Google, or buy a ready made one. Users simply have to play smartphone applications that are compatible with Cardboard, put smartphone into the rear of the viewer, and view through lenses.
Google daydream service is much better than cardboard.
Purpose of Daydream:
Currently VR content is fragmented. It is accessible from different locations, however hardly available from one central place. You’ve to jump through numerous hoops to view your desired content.
Daydream is intended to solve this for Android users. It will stock the content from all mobile VR (Virtual Reality) makers. Sources small and big will be instantly available through the hub.
Furthermore, Google Cardboard is an easy and fun device to use to get a essence of what Virtual Reality is about, it is barely high-tech or, comfortable in many circumstances. The Daydream headset is a much practical and easy method, instead of the informal nature of Cardboard viewers.
Daydream-compatible smartphones:
The following smartphones have been launched as Daydream ready, you will be able to use Daydream on these handsets:
- ASUS ZenFone AR
- Axon 7
- Google Pixel 2
- Google Pixel 3
- Google Pixel XL
- Huawei Mate 9 Pro
- LG V30
- Moto Z
- Moto Z Force
- Porsche Design Mate 9
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8
- Samsung Galaxy S8
- Samsung Galaxy S8+
- Samsung Galaxy S9
- Samsung Galaxy S9+
- ZTE Axon 7
Daydream headset and controller Setup:
If you are not having the Daydream application, open Google Play, type “Daydream” in search bar and tap download. Use the application to adjust setting of your headset, play or run apps, and find out the latest Virtual Reality content.
After opening Daydream follow the setup guidelines to pair your controller and headset. Once setup is finished, you will be guided by Welcome instructions.
- Install the latest Android and Google VR Services update(s)
- Enter a form of payment and select a PIN
- Pair your Daydream controller
- Put your phone in the headset
- Set up headphones (Optional)